
How can I leave my abusive spouse?
There are a few avenues that you can take to protect yourself against your abusive spouse. First off, if there is domestic violence or if you are fearful for your,

Can I Record My Ex | Nampa Divorce and Family Attorney
The short answer is yes. Idaho is what is know as a one-party consent state. That means that if the person making the recording (presumably you), then it is legal

Can I File for Bankruptcy After My Divorce? | Boise Family Attorney
At the end of your divorce case, there is typically a lot of new expenses which gets toppled onto the harsh reality that most families go from a two income

Do I Have to Take My Family Law Case to Trial? | Boise Family Lawer
Every divorce, family, and child custody case is unique in its own way. That being said, each case its own issues that it has to work through whether it be

How Much is My Family Law Case Going to Cost? | Boise Lawyer
What Should I be Thinking About? There are many factors that will go into the cost of divorce or family law case at the end of the day. However, there

My Spouse Wasted Money, Can I Get it Back? | Boise Family Attorney
There is no doubt about it. A lot of marriages get ruined and are ended over one spouse wasted money that was for the community. Since Idaho is a community