
Is your property community or separate | Idaho Divorce Attorney
What exactly is Separate Property? Idaho is a community property state. What that means is, essentially, that any and all property that you and your spouse acquire during the marriage

Quitclaim Signed? Who owns the property? | Idaho Divorce Attorney
This is an issue that has forced cases to trial on a regular basis, and for good reason. If you do not fight the issue, and cave to the argument

What’s Important to Consider When Fighting for Custody in Boise, Idaho
Types of Child Custody Cases When thinking about how to fight your child custody case in Idaho, you need to keep in mind that only relevant evidence is admissible. That

Should You Take Your Case to Trial | Boise Family Attorney
Is it worth taking your case to trial? Now, this article needs to be considered individually and each decision needs to be made on a case by case basis. It

Can I change the terms of my divorce decree?
In an ideal world, every case would end with a final judgment and decree of divorce that has every term and provision exactly the way both spouses wanted them. However,

Can I use Text Messages as Evidence in My Case?
In every family law case, each party makes claims and allegations against the other party. Those claims or allegations include everything related to the marriage, the children, and why the